Monday, July 18, 2016

Painful Toes

It was just a normal conversation. I was waiting for my daughter and two women were talking right beside us.  And I was wearing flip-flops.
Lady #1: So, did you ever start fostering?
Lady #2: Well, no. We went through most of the training classes, but then we backed out.
Lady #1: Oh, really? I know it's a big commitment.
Lady #2: Well, they said they could pretty much guarantee that our dogs would be abused at some point through the process.  And you know, those dogs are just too sweet for that.  I just couldn't see putting them through that.
I had to turn my head to keep from making an ugly face. My first thoughts were, "Seriously?  She's more worried about her DOGS being abused than the children who are being removed from sometimes very abusive homes?  What kind of woman is this?"  

Immediately, I sent a text to a couple of my friends.  I just couldn't believe someone could be so selfish and cold-hearted.  

And then, He did it. 

He used this conversation to convict me. ME?  Me. 

My sweet friend texted me back, and simply said, "Wow. Although you know, it makes me wonder about the things I guard in my life."


My head hurt. My heart hurt. My toes hurt.

Once again, God used words that weren't even intended for me to step on my toes. It was as if He was saying, "Ok. Yes, you noticed what was wrong with that woman's words. Now, what can you change in YOUR life to align your heart more with Mine?" 

You see, in my own self-righteous mind I heard the words of that woman, and I was incredulous. I couldn't believe that anyone could dare put their animals ahead of something so much more important. But, God...

But, God reminded me that there are many things that I do the exact same thing with.  

My time. My money. My home. My family.  My life.

Do you see the common word? My. Is any of this really mine?  How different would I look at everything that I hold dear if I changed that one word to truly reflect the ownership? 

God's time. God's money. God's home. God's family. God's life.
I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. ~ Galatians 2:20
Oh, that I would finally get sick and tired of living "my" life for me. I constantly put my own wants, and even the desires and wants of my family, above the greater things that He has called us to. Instead of guarding the things that I consider "mine", what if I saw them as ways to serve HIM, no matter what?  

My time would be more productive for the kingdom. My money would be better spent on things of worth rather than on frivolous things that will pass away.  My home would have an open door for those who need comfort and love.  My family would be more consumed with His plans rather than seeking their own happiness and goals.  My life would be seen as a way for Christ to live through me, nothing more and praise God, nothing less. 

He's still working on me.  And I know He's promised to continue to perfect me until the day of Christ Jesus. So, until then, I think I'll just keep flip-flops on.

That way I notice those painful toes.

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